ENTTEC ELM (70581) RELEASE NOTES: Always ensure you backup your ELM project files before upgrading software version. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes (version 698): Please note there is no 32bit version of version 698 New features: - Increase the total number of DMX universes to 8192 (was 2048). - Allow to specify the Z position for each stage in 3D. Before, the stages were fixed and positioned evenly on the Z axis. - Show or hide the DVI windows in the live panel via HTTP. - Enable or disable the schedule of the sequences via OSC and HTTP. - New button in the sequence editor to find all steps of all sequences that are using certain media. - Add a filter box in the stages manager. Handy when there are many stages to find the right ones. - New button in the precision position window allowing to position strips evenly horizontally and vertically. - Save the stage testing mode settings into the project file. - Save the application window position. - Add the WBGR LED type. - In the sequence editor, allow to create one sequence per media and to add one step per media. - In the sequence editor, right-click on a sequence to see the new menu item to clear a sequence - reset everything to default. Enhancements: - Better sunrise and sunset calculations accuracy. - Ask to confirm when the user wants to delete a media slot and it's in use by a stage or a sequence. - In the schedule, allow to enter a start month greater than the end month. For example, from November to March. That just means we want to go over the next year. - New buttons to set the max width and height and for top and left in the precise position window. - Increase the min and max range of the eye candy speed-ex to -5 to 5. - Regenerate the strip group names when toggling the numeric seq box in the edit dialog. Before you needed to also change the group name to force to regenerate the names. - Improve the way the start address in next universe is computed by taking the start address modulo the offset instead of just the start address. It's better to assume the user wants to keep the start alignment and if the start address is 481 for an offset of 4, we should start at 1 in the next universe since 481 is aligned with 4 ->(481-1)%4 = 0. Before, we would start at 481 in the next universe which doesn't make much sense. - Uniformize the 3d views (front, side and top) to fit what we see in the stage projections. The views were sometimes flipped or inverted, which was making it harder to understand what was going on. - Use the step transition time when the auto go is active in the performer. Otherwise, there was no way to play the sequence as recorded as the transition time was always overridden. Fixes: - For strips that are collapsed into a single pixel, resizing the stage was stretching the strips. Now they stay a single pixel even after resizing the stage. - Fix not selecting the sequence started yesterday at 23:00 when we are the next day at 6:00. Now make sure to also look back one day to determine what sequence should be playing. Also always select the sequence that should be playing now when changing the test hour since this is what we want to know when we are testing. - Fix sometimes not automatically reconnecting the artnet output when the network interface was disconnected at first. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes (version 673): Please note there is no 32bit version of version 673 New features: - Sequences: A complete new way to create and control your shows. Go in the new Sequences menu to get started. You can now create sequences and steps (cues) for multiple stages and easily trigger them remotely via DMX, OSC and HTTP. The remote control is way easier since you only need to trigger sequences instead of controlling multiple stages and layers. - Performer panel: A nice panel made to control a live show is now included. From configurable intensity, speed and color presets to tap tempo and strobe, everything you need to run a show is easily accessible. Touchscreen, keyboard and MIDI friendly. - MIDI controller support: The new performer panel can be controlled via MIDI. MIDI clock messages can also be used to control the tempo. A shortcut editor is included to quickly map the keyboard and MIDI commands you want to use. - Scheduled sequences: You can now schedule your sequences, which allows syncing multiple stages and a lot more control than before. The previous schedule system (that was limited to one stage at a time) is now deprecated. Your existing schedules will automatically be converted to sequences. - Master intensity and speed: In the live and perform panels, you can now adjust the master intensity and speed. Also controllable via HTTP, OSC and MIDI. - Audio auto gain: New option to automatically adjust the audio input volume to the optimal level. Go in the settings/audio menu and you'll see the "auto gain" option for each audio input device. - Edit individual LED position: To fine tune the LED position, you can now edit a strip and select the Edit LED Pos button. Then you'll be able to move each LED as you please. - Import/Export LED CSV: You can now import and export all information about your LEDs, including individual positions and DMX patch information. Go under the stage to export the LEDs. Go under the settings/project menu to import CSVs. - XLights XModel Import: Quickly import the LEDs from an XModel. Go in settings/project menu and click import. - Save and restore stage monitors: The stage monitors are saved in the project file and restored when loading the project. - Show a preview of the new strips in the add strips dialog: To more easily understand all the options, you now have a preview of what the new strips will look like. - New eye candy effects: The new effects are: debris, discharge, phantom star, rotating diamonds, snake spiral, torus, zebra valley. - Time offset parameter: Most effects and media source with a timing aspect (like a video file) now have a time offset parameter allowing to set the initial start time. In addition, when creating a sequence, by setting the media speed to 0, you can use the time offset to animate the media over multiple steps. - Tile x and y for eye candy effects: When zooming out or panning an effect, you can now decide to repeat or mirror the effect horizontally and vertically. This adds new ways to use the existing effects. - Hue parameter for eye candy effects: For most eye candy effects with colors, you can now change the colors by changing the hue. This way, the white and other hues are still there contrary to when using the grayscale option with a color filter. - Control effect parameters via HTTP and OSC: It was only possible via DMX but now you have the same control via HTTP and OSC. - KiNet v1 DMX OUT: Now support sending data using the KiNet v1 DMX OUT protocol. - Auto group sequence: New option to generate numeric sequences for the strip group and sub-group fields. - New stages from strips, keep positions: New option to create one stage per strip and preserve the stage size and strip positions. Enhancements: - NDI 5.5: Update to the latest NDI version for even better performance with video over the network. - Spout updated to v2.007: Updated to use the latest Spout version and multiple performance improvements resulting in a 2x-3x better frame rate. - Video codecs updated: Better performance for the video playback - Show more details about outside LEDS (out of the stage): Allow clicking on the "X number of LEDs outside stage" label to select the strips that are outside. - Hardware ID QR Code: You can now transfer the hardware id on your phone by scanning the QR code. This is handy when your computer is not connected to the internet and you need a license. - Drag and drop audio inputs for quick reorder: You can now use drag and drop to more quickly reorder the audio input devices. - Allow to close the other app instance in the already running app window: When starting the app and it's already running, there's a button to close the app. - Use double quotes to preserve spaces in filter boxes: When searching using one of the filter boxes, you can use the double quotes like "I search this" to specify that the spaces are important. - Significant performance improvement: ELM has been optimized even further, which benefits projects of all sizes. - Improved audio analysis: Better audio mix and nicer spectrum for the eye candy audio effects. - Always save the audio mix settings: Even when it's been disabled. This way, when you reactive it, the last settings are still there. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes (version 572): Bug Fixes: - Fixed an issue where the bottom row of pixels on a stage would be missed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes (version 570): Bug Fixes: - Fixed a channel count bug that required ELM to request a higher license level than each workspace needed when merging White and RGBW strips on the same universe. - Fixed a media X Zoom of images and webcam input to stop image tiling to match the Y axis. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes (version 569): Bug Fixes: - Fixed a bug causing machines running Windowws IoT 10 Enterprise to change hardware ID after a reboot and invalidate licenses. Updates: - Updated ELM Server Build with external status screen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes (version 560): New Features: - 3D! - Speed control per media. - Negative speed for eye candy effects in order to play them in reverse. - Option to assign the same DMX address to media parameters with the same name for the DMX remote control. - Option to stretch shapes to fill the whole stage when adding strips. - Diamond shape added to the pre-made shapes when adding strips. - 5 new eye candy effects: ikeda tunnel, perlin noise, plasma fire, space glowing, travelling lines. Enhancements: - Better performance for eye candy effects and handling many strips. - Improved strip splitting to get nicer result for small strips. - Automatically try to reconnect to an audio device when it's been disconnected. This may happen when accidentally disconnecting a usb sound card. ELM will now reconnect as soon as the USB cable is reconnected. - NDI 4.5 Fixes: - Respect the selected minimum intensity for the audio mix. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes (version 537): New Features: - Custom thumbnail for media slot. This is handy when the default thumbnail isn't representative enough. In the live panel, right-click on a slot and select "monitor". When the media is playing, you can press the "use as thumb" button in the monitor window. Custom thumbnails are saved on the disk and need to be copied by the user when moving the project to another computer. - Snap to control points option. Go under the Stage tab to activate it.- Rename video and image files directly in ELM. No need to use the Windows file explorer, rename the file and then change the media in ELM. Click on the "Actions" button in the media library to see all options. - Update/replace media, without having to clear the media slot before. For example,when you want to swap a video, no need to clear the slot anymore before being able to select another video file. Click on the "Actions" button in the media library tosee all options. - Batch video transcode. Use the new transcode button at the top of the media library to transcode multiple videos at once. - Target FPS in the video transcoder, up to 120 FPS. Interpolate frames if needed to make the playback smoother at low speed. - The width and height are now optional in the transcoder, which is useful when transcoding multiple videos at once and you don't want to resize them. - Custom thumbnail for media slot. This is handy when the default thumbnail isn't representative enough. In the live panel, right-click on a slot and select "monitor". When the media is playing, you can press the "use as thumb" button in the monitor window. Custom thumbnails are saved on the disk and need to be copied by the user when moving the project to another computer. - Apply the selection x,y,width and height to individual strips instead of as a group. The "as a group" option controls this behavior. For example, if you want to set the x position of all selected strips to be 10, you uncheck the as a group option and then enter 10 in the x box. Enhancements: - Update to NDI 4.1.4- Avoid repatching all strips one after another automatically each time we change the led type or led count or offset. Often, the user wants to preserve the dmx addresses. The re-patch button can be used to explicitly repatch all strips when needed. - Center strips vertically when adding them with the add strips window.- Various performance improvements. - Update to .Net framework 4.7 - For the HTTP API, you can now use the stage guides in addition to the stage names.Since multiple stages can have the same name, the guid is needed to uniquely targetstages. Call GET /stages?includeState=1 to get stage guides. Fixes: - Not updating control points after reset. Deleted points were still visible and could be manipulated, leading to errors. - Improve performance when selecting another stage in the live or stages views and the stage has a large playlist in the schedule view. Was loading the playlist even though it was not visible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes (version 512): New Features: - Color temperature and tint adjustments per strip for the output. In addition to the existing intensity setting, this gives you more options to adjust the color output when your strips have some manufacturing or age differences. - Stabilizer setting per strip, allowing to stabilize the colors when using few LEDs by averaging an area around the LED. For example, you can use the stabilizer setting to control a few wash lights and avoid the colors to jump too much. It gives a result similar to something like Ambilight. - Precise color temperature settings to get a proper preview in the stage monitor. Go in the settings/colors menu to configure all colors. LEDs aren't like a computer screen and now you can get a more accurate preview for your LEDs. - New white cool/neutral/warm and WWA/WAW/AWW (white cool, white neutral and white warm/amber) LED types. Also in 16-bit versions. The white cool takes the blue of your media, the neutral takes the green and the warm takes the red. This way, you can easily control the different whites with a standard RGB media while having a proper preview in the stage monitor (a real representation of the whites using the configured color temperatures). - New screen capture media allowing to bring in ELM the content of any other app visible on your computer. In addition to letting you map a video from youtube, it can be useful to capture your video editing software preview zone and get a preview of your LEDs in real-time in ELM, without having to render your video (which can be a long process). - New screen capture dominant colors media allowing to control wash fixtures with the dominant colors. It's like Ambilight when you want your lights to follow what's displayed on your screen. - New DMX Bitmap media to allow receiving DMX from a lighting console and then convert it to a video. You can map this video on groups of LEDs to take control of their colors or intensities from your console. For example, if you have 10 strips of 340 LEDs each, you could control each strip as a group from your console by sending only 10 RGB values via DMX. - Can now specify whether ELM starts minimized, showing the live panel or in normal state (like before) when using the "Run at startup" feature. - Highlight the current located led on the stage. Since the locate window is now used for multiple things, it's handy to see the selected LED in ELM also and not only in the real-world. - New rotate strips tool to quickly rotate all selected strips using the mouse. - Allow to import media and the DMX settings from another project file. There's a new import button under the settings/project tab. - Allow locating DMX universes by sending all channels at full, without having to patch any fixtures. There's a "locate uni." button under each DMX protocol in the settings menu. - This is handy to quickly identify and discover fixtures on the network. - DMX monitors for all DMX output (Art-Net, sACN and KiNet) to see the exact values being sent by ELM. This is very handy when troubleshooting. - DMX monitor for the DMX input to see the exact values being received by ELM. - You can now hide or make read-only individual stages for the schedules and live views. It's handy when you create stages for special effect purposes but you don't want to clutter the live view with them. Select the hidden and read-only attributes under the stage tab. - New join strips tool in the edit strips window. This is the counter part of the split strips tool. - New special "none" DMX protocol. When you don't want to output DMX at the moment and want to avoid any conflicts with the other DMX protocols, this new none protocol allows to work offline. - New LED map output in the DVI window. This is needed when you want to send the exact mapped LED colors to a system like Martin P3. - New button in the edit strips/locate LEDs window to set the LED count from the locate window since it's faster than remembering the led index and entering it in the LED count field. This is a common scenario when you don't know the number of LEDs per strip and need to discover it with the locate window. - New option to automatically release the HTTP remote control after 10 seconds of inactivity. It's handy for unattended installation when you can temporarily take control over HTTP and then automatically resume the schedules when you're done, without worrying about closing the remote app properly. - New "new stages from strips" menu item to create a stage with all selected strips. It's handy when you want to control those strips in a special way. - New "new stages from strips" menu item to create a stage with all selected strips collapsed to points. When a strip is collapsed to only a point, one media pixel controls the whole strip. This is handy with the new DMX Bitmap media to map RGB values received via DMX to individual strips. - New HTTP requests to get a video stream of the LED preview and media output. Also a new request to get all valid transition fx names. - New HTTP width&height parameters for the media thumbnails. - New random lines eye candy effect - New FFT LED falloff audio reactive affect - Firewall button added in the settings/project panel allowing to properly configure the firewall to send and receive Art-Net, sACN, KiNet, OSC and HTTP. The firewall blocking network traffic is a common cause of problems. So now instead of disabling the firewall entirely, you can use this button to add only the required rules for ELM, which is cleaner and safer. Enhancements: - Reduced application start-up time by 33%. Who likes to wait for an application to start? - Reduced visual delay when switching stages and media in the live view. - Improved responsiveness for projects with many stages (20+ up to 200+). - Improved editor conviviality for small stages. Now the controls don't look oversized anymore. - Nicer visual representation of strips with one LED (single point) and strips collapsed to one point. - Nicer thumbnails returned by the HTTP API, now zoomed to fill the requested size, like in ELM. - For the KiNet quick device mapping, auto increment the ip address each time you press the map button. Usually, the controllers have sequential IPs, so this speeds up the process quite a bit. Fixes: - Media selection made in another stage was appearing in the live view, which was confusing. - Deselecting all strips when 500+ strips was taking a long time. It’s now instantaneous. - Clipboard cannot open error message when copy/pasting and NewTek Scan Converter is running. Maybe Scan Converter is locking the clipboard in some way. - Wasn’t able to right-click on the application shortcut on the desktop and select “run as administrator”. - Editing a note while zoomed in was scrolling the note to be in the bottom-right corner of the stage. - Pressing “execute” in the live view the first time after opening the app was doing nothing. - Decimal number conversion error when selecting an effect with parameters in the live view on some computers with non English locale. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes (version 413): New features: - Add 20 eye candy audio reactive effects. 8 audio inputs with ASIO support for low latency, configurable with lower&upper frequencies. Go in the settings/audio tab to configure the audio inputs. - Option to add blur to the output in order to better see fast paced effects when using a low resolution LED installation. Go in the Stages tab and then under the Stage tab, there's a new "Output blur" slider. -Add 156 media slots for a total of 255, up from 99. - Add color configuration for all basic and eye candy effects. Also added for the text effect. - Option to reverse control points. This is handy if the strip has been physically installed reversed since you can reverse the DMX addresses without changing the mapping shape. Right-click on the first control point of a strip (the green one) and select the "reverse points" menu item. - Add support for GRB 16-bit LED type. - Allow to activate the audio reactive mix via OSC and HTTP. - Can now use the wildcard * character for the stage name to target multiple stages at once when using the HTTP remote. - Official support for sACN sync and allow to turn it on and off in the sACN settings. - Precise color control in the live panel by clicking on the red, green and blue labels under the wheel. - Export a snapshot (png image) of the positions of the LEDs. It's handy for motion designers as they can use the snapshot as a guide. You can find the new "LED Snapshot" button under the Stage tab, just next to the monitor button. - Pure black enhancer for NDI video to remove compression artifacts. Activate this new option with the "Black Threshold" box next to the NDI media in the media panel. Without this option, pure black may appear as a very dimmed pink on some LEDs. Enhancements: - NDI updated to version 3.8 (performance and network load improvements). - Use less memory when loading many large images. Images are only loaded when they are used in a stage. - Save grid settings into the project file. Fixes: - Error when sending the sACN sync packet to the localhost. Cannot multicast to localhost. So now we don't send the sync packet when the network adapter is the localhost. - With remote DMX control, sending raw dmx 25 for the speed wasn't giving exactly 1x. Was doing 25/255*10, which isn't exactly 1. So now, we make sure sending raw dmx 25=1x and 10% = 1x. - GPU overload warning not cleared even after disabling a stage. This was hard to understand for the user since the effect wasn't used anymore but the warning was still visible. Now clear the warning when an effect is paused. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------